Feb 3, 2009

A new game in town

I am sure many of us have played Crossword Puzzle before and may have even won some prizes which can be a small token in kind or a handsome payout in cash. Whatever it is, it can be extremely satisfying to have won something as it is a game of not only in vocabulary skill but also in problem solving. Till today, Crossword Puzzle remains one of the favorite games among the people, from children to adults.

There is a new game currently being played in Malaysia which seems to be spreading like wildfire:Crossover.

This game has its origin from the East Malaysia state of Sabah and can only be played by the politicians. It is currently being played extensively in Perak and it seems to be catching-up fast in Negeri Sembilan.

Unlike the Crossword Puzzle, the prizes in this Crossover game is in millions of ringgit. To qualify for this game, one must be an elected State Assemblyman or Member of Parliament and then be ready to crossover to another party, if the 'prize' is right.

Now, on a serious note.

When the world is facing an economic and financial crisis, when retrenchment in employment seems imminent and when the rakyat are worried about their rice bowl, the politicians here are entrenched with this 'game of Crossover' at the expense of the rakyat who will ultimately suffer the most.

With the current political happenings in the country, do you think the ruling government is able to ride out of this current economic crisis or is taking the rakyat for yet another ride?

As the politicians' play this 'game of Crossover', the rakyat will be able to judge and identify those who are greedy and without dignity and those who hold steadfastly to the principles of a good politician.

Come next election, the bad ones must be weeded out once and for all.


Anonymous said...

Crossover and get rewarded!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, crossover and get rewarded, but what happens when it is double cross? You become a dead duck just like HEE

Anonymous said...

Yes, crossover and get rewarded, but what happens when it is double cross? You become a dead duck just like HEE