Dear all, as the year draws to an end and as we witnessed the political happenings unfold in the country, the time has come for us to select and award those who have contributed either positively or negatively to this country which we call home.
Regardless of who they are, what race they are from and which political parties they belong to, the selection of the recipients will be based on our conscience, facts and the truths.
I have categorized the selection into several categories as different events from different parties affect and influence our lives in one way or another. These categories are then divided into three awards: the good, the bad and the ugly.
Last but not least, I have included a category for Blogsphere as there is no denying it has played a significant and influential role in changing the political landscape pre and post GE 2008.
So dear all, start rolling your votes in!
1) Ministry Level
a) The Most Efficient Ministry
Instead of the moribund civil service, this award is for the one which is knowledgeable and able to provide a fast and efficient service.
b) Kangaroo Award
Remember the day when you enquired for information and action, you are made to ‘hop’ from one department to another?
c) Wastage Award
This one goes to the Ministry that sucked the tax payers’ money on various projects which in the end are either non beneficial or deemed useless to the people.
2) Parliamentarian
a) Custard Award
When an elected MP shows no regards, manners and respects in the august House, he deserves custards to be thrown at his face.
b) The Lady & The Gentleman Award
This award goes to the one who is well-mannered, respected and follows the principle of sportsmanship.
c) Hang Tuah Award
Like the warrior, this MP will fight for justice and fairness for all.
3) Politician
a) Rising Star Award
The GE 2008 has certainly produced some young and seemingly talented politicians. Who will be the one that shines above the rest?
b) Sicko Award
When a politician keeps stirring racial sentiments and hatreds without two hoots of the feelings of others, he will have to face the wrath of the people. Please identify this person without fear and favor.
c) Fairplay Award
Although politicians are from different parties, they are some who know the rules and play by the rules and the rights from the wrongs. Who will be the shining example?
4) Blogsphere
a) Creative Blog Award
Blogging in this age of technology can truly bring out the different styles and imaginations of the bloggers that can captivate our attention.
b) Informative Blog Award
There are some bloggers who have diligently and continuously update us on new happenings and provide us with new sources of information.
c) The Red Blog Award
This is the dangerous one. The one that intentionally and incessantly incites hatred and animosities among the people. Identify it before it destroys this country.